showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Robin to the Rescue Solar Software1983 labelimageminimize
Robin Hood Xonox1984 labelimageminimize
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon Adventure International1985 labelimageminimize
Robin of the Wood Odin1985 labelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware;Mirrorsoft (Master Designer Software)1987
[52]***Cinemaware went and released most versions of this game for free download.
Super Robin Hood Codemasters1987I have this game on the Super Adventure Quests (the UK version of Quattro Adventure) cart for the NES, and I have to say, it's one of the finest games I have ever had the pleasure to play! You go around as Robin Hood, shootin' nasty types with a bow and arrow! How much better can you get!!! And it has some amazingly kick ass music too!
The Curse of Sherwood Mastertronic1987 labelimageminimize